15 February 2010

Diabetes in America

In this day and age, it's all about how fast can we get it! In America, I think it is careful to call ourselves a rushed society! Is this backfiring? I say, absolutely! I wanted to raise awareness to followers today about diabetes, how it's evolved, and what we can do to help reverse it. 
This is so important because Diabetes is ranked #3 on America's 7 Most Deadly Diseases. Diabetes occurs when your body's cells become resistant to insulin that your body is producing. Your body then isn't getting the glucose it needs.

America's Most Deadly Diseases:
#1 Heart Disease
#2 Cancer
#3 Diabetes
#4 Obesity
#5 Muscular Degeneration
#6 Infertility
#7 Depression

How Do You Know If You Have Diabetes?
Many people can adjust to the side effects and have it for quite some time before being aware and getting treated. Symptoms include frequent bathroom trips, unquenchable thirst, weight loss, weakness and fatigue, tingling in hands and feet, blurred vision, and dry, itchy skin.
We expect to stay well if we opt for low-cal this and reduced-fat that, ask for seasonal vegetables for dinner, skip a meal (to lose temporarily weight), or even drink diet soda. (Don't get me started on diet drinks.) Perhaps, you are making healthier choices for you and your family. Those I just rattled off are not enough to keep you from avoiding these main causes of death. It all comes back to diet and exercise. I believe living life to the fullest. I want to be in optimal health so if you do too, please keep reading.

Glad you're still with me because I think that the above paragraph was probably a bit hard to hear. We as a whole are over-scheduled, have long commutes, and have no time for self or family. Hear are some of the ways we have created an unhealthy environment for one another. 

8 Ways We've Made Ourselves Unhealthy:
• Elevators
• Escalators
• Telephones
• Snow-blowers/Leaf-blowers
• Cars/ Buses/ Trains
• Food Availability
• Fast Food
• Vending Machines

I am not saying, I have never used these in my life. I am just bringing awareness to how we do things quicker and more time-efficient! If there are healthier alternatives such as stairs... take them! While you're at it, walk on your toes up the stairs! Great calves here you come!

Statistics: Did You Know?
One in four Americans eat fast-food daily.

We set the example and pace for the next generation. This is why this is so important. It is easier to follow by example than to change the world. If we created a healthier living environment now, it will be much easier for future generations to take better care of themselves. How many times have you created a habit doing something your mother or father did? You do it because they did it. 

As consumers we have the ability to change what is available is in our supermarkets. What you ask the manager for and what you buy most of will in return be what they carry more of. You have the power for change. Be the difference you wish to see in the world, my fellow friends!

Statistics: Did You Know?
50% of Americans' food dollars go to eating out.

The average American is 47 lbs. heavier than the average American 50 years ago.
(I think my butt gettin' big?!)

Aren't we all looking to reduce our costs overall in this economic time? Eating healthier and exercising more is cheaper in the long run!

Statistics: Did You Know?
 74 million dollars goes to treating those with health issues due to smoking every year.
222 billion dollars goes to treating those with health issues due to obesity-related every year.
12.7 billion every year is dumped into fast food advertising.
Every year each American eats 47 burgers. 
(I don't eat meat so someone is eating enough for me.)
1.1 billion every year is promoting vegetables.

Side note: If you were in the health care biz or fast food campaigning, why would you fix this when it generates so much money for your pockets?

Now, my point is your health is all you got even when you lose everything. Nobody is going to look out for you like you look out for yourself. So, do just that! I would like to say there is someone we can blame or sue, but it is really our own fault. Here is how you can better yourself and those that look up to you: 

*By walking 30 minutes a day, you decrease your chances of diabetes by 30%.*

People who suffer with diabetes die younger by 13 years. There are many complications in their life like blindness and losing blood circulation that causes you to lose limbs. There are also a loss of kidney function, increase in gaul stones, liver failure, asthma, sleep deprivation, and leading to being dependent on medicare. This is not a road you want to travel if you can avoid it. Did you say your mom has it?

Statistics: Did You Know?
Adult Diabetes: 
If you have no family-related people with it. our chances of getting it is 5-10%.
If you have a sibling with it, your chances of also having it increases to 30%.
If you have a twin with it, it increases your chances by 80%.

People who are diagnosed with diabetes typically have a high BMI (Body Mass Index). You can check your BMI by going to the Dept. of Health and Humane Services and putting a few things such as weight and measurements to calculate it. It will also tell you if it's high or normal.

The rushed society aftermath is taking a toll on the kids of America. There is now child diabetes which is the first ever! 

Statistics: Did You Know?
Every hour a child watches tv, they consume an extra 160 calories.
By the time they graduate high school, they will have watched 19,000 hours of tv.
19,000hrs. x 160 cal. = 3,040,000 extra calories

This is what I would say is "rushed society aftermath". We are paving the way for the future of America to be a sick society full of disease. This is a scary statistic. It makes me want to jump out of my chair right now and do something. It starts with us one by one creating a better lifestyle for ourselves and our future and our kids' future. 

What We Can Do To Help!
• Breastfeeding for the first 6 months of a baby's life decreases their risk of obesity.
• Eating as a family or with others tends to keep you from over-eating.
• Eating colors is a healthy way to look at it.
• Take your child(s) to the store and let them get involved by picking one fruit/veggies they've never had before.
• Set limits- television time, junk food allowance
• Kids should play outside. Kids need physical activity.

• Walk when you can
• Get involved in local races and walks whether it be running the race or supporting someone who is.
• Visit your nearby parks more.

• Ask employers about adding a wellness program on insurance, giving rewards to healthy people.
• Ask for gyms at work especially large corporations or a discount to the local gym.
• Ask for healthier food options in the cafeteria or have workshops on reading labels to raise awareness.

• Reduce junk food advertisements.
• Food stamps for healthier options.
• Insurance agencies creating wellness programs and rewarding healthy people.
• Increase the quality of public school foods that are available to the kids.
• In schools, create a mandatory class on nutrition education.

Diabetes is no laughing matter. We as a whole must improve our won quality of life so that others will follow. We have to take a stand for ourselves and others. You don't have to do much to stand out. You have the power for change, change for our future here in America. Be the difference! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kayla! It was nice meeting you the other week. I love your blog! Sorry I am just getting around to commenting!
