27 February 2010

World's Best Vitamin! B-12!

     Okay, so B-12 has earned that title from me by being my favorite vitamin. I think it is the coolest eva because of all the amazing things it does for us! God always amazes me with things like this, how our world has everything we could ever need or want! Then 10x's that because we are still discovering uses for it all! I love it. I love science. I love understanding they 'why' behind something. Here is why I as well as some other cool people think B-12 is soo amazing!

B-12..... History
• 1824- Dr. Combe records that a lack of vitamin B causes digestion problems.
• 1926- Dr. Minot & Dr. Murphy discover raw liver will restore red blood cells and help those deficient of vitamin B.
• 1948- British & U.S. discover vitamin B is in meats. Dr. West proves B-12 injections will benefit patients with pernicious anemia.
• 1955- Vitamin B-12 is synthesized.
• 1979- Dr. Libby theorizes that B-12 can be just as effective taken as a sublingual than injections.
• 1980- Dr. Libby creates a sublingual B-12 and clinical testing begins.
• 1984- Dr. Libby gets a patent for her sublingual B-12.
• 1985- Folic Acid & B-6 are added to the sublingual supplement and more clinical testing is done.
• 1999- TriVita's sublingual B-12, B-6, & Folic Acid are manufactured to Dr. Libby's specifications.
• 2008- TriVita now features a super sublingual B-12. Faster acting, longer-lasting, and more potent.
• 2010- More than a 11 million boxes have been sold of TriVita's sublingual B-12.

B-12..... Who should use it!
     We are what we eat, and unfortunately it has its side effects. It is our body's of saying, you're doing a lousy job taking care of me. So, it begins as a subtle pain or irritation when something isn't working properly, but gradually progresses. Before we realize it, everything seems to be bothering us!

Common Complaints People Have:
• Weakness/Tiredness
• Bleeding Gums
• Depression
• Lack of Balance
• Memory loss
• Headache
• Confusion/Dementia
• Loss of Appetite
• Numbness/Tingling in hands or feet

Not to sound like a commercial, but if you are suffering from a few of the symptoms above, those are signs of a B-12 deficiency. Consult your physician. 

B-12..... Facts
• As early as age 30, B-12 deficiency can lead to brain erosion.
• After the age 40, your ability to absorb B vitamins through food begins to diminish.
• Your brain needs vitamin B to work properly.
• Those deficient in vitamin B tend to age prematurely and become more susceptible to disease.

B-12..... What it does for you!
• Provides Sustainable Energy- no crashing
• Improves Memory
• Reduces Heart Disease Risk- prevents homocysteine which is linked to heart disease
• Alzheimer's Protection
• Relief from B-12 Anemia- common is vegetarians, vegans, and those who have had gastro bypass or suffer from pancreatic issues.

B-12..... How it's most effective!
     Sublingual is a funny word, and if you aren't sure just what exactly it means, I'm sure you are very frustrated. Sublingual means you put it under your tongue. The reason this was such a discovery and is different from swallowing vitamins, the typical way. Dr. Libby used what 
he knew about the large veins under our tongue. If you let the supplement dissolve underneath the tongue, the B vitamin absorbs right into the blood stream for fast acting relief of those common complaints/symptoms.

B-12..... Where you can get it!
     There is only one way (to my knowledge) of how you can get quality B-12, all of it to be absorbed into your system, and not do injections from your doctor. TriVita has the best vitamin B you can get. Check out the link by clicking the word 'Trivita' to learn more or click on the picture.

B-12..... How it has helped me!
     I am a fish eating vegetarian. My lifestyle leaves me quite defiencient in vitamin B. I began having migraines off & on for the last 3 months. It ended up being to the lack of vitamin B in my diet. A friend, health consultant for TriVita encouraged me to try it. It seemed expensive, and I was already taking vitamin B so I didn't need her vitamin  B. I tried it anyway. Oh my goodness, what a difference. 
     If I woke up before 9am, I use to need a nap by 2pm. I was so sluggish; working out wasn't even an option. I had no energy. I take 1 or 2 depending on the schedule of my day. I take my first at noon or so, and I am able to keep going all day long! I love how I feel! I love that I am able to stay up late if I want. I am more productive, and it feels good! The energy is sustainable energy. It isn't like chugging a red bull; there is no crash. It's the best vitamin I have ever purchased!

B-12..... How I get it!
     I order mine off the website, but it is super easy to call and order it, too! If you are interested in trying it, you can e-mail me. I will give you a code so that when they ask, you can tell them who referred you! My e-mail is kelkins@elkinsgroup.com

Sources: Trivita's Vita Journal

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