15 July 2010

Why Does It Matter What We Eat?

Why does it matter, right? I mean we are all going to die someday, right? I hear this every time I visit my grandfather, but then again he always enlightens me on what he learned on that Food Network and what kind of salad he had this week... So, I feel like he knows better... Ha, I love you, Papaw!

I believe that all men are created equal, but all foods are not! Dr. Colbert says, some food should not be labeled "food" but rather "consumable product" or "edible, but void in nourishment." I say, Amen Brotha! There are two types of foods: Living & Dead foods!


Living foods are fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds, and nute- exist in a raw or close to raw state and packaged in divinely created wrappers called skins and peels. Living food looks in fact alive. Living foods are plucked, harvested, and squeezed- not processed, packaged, and put on a shelf.


Dead foods are everything that living foods are not. They have been altered and deconstructed in every way imaginable way to make them last as long as possible and be addictive as possible! So, in order to do this manufacturers have to add sugar and salt and man-made fat.

Let's talk about the sugar real quick... Ever had a large party? Do you typically buy filet mignon for your cookouts or hot dogs... That is what I thought! When we are feeding the masses, we buy the cheaper alternative; manufacturers do the same to you and me. They have such a large quota to fill, so they cut corners. When adding to sugar to processed food, they add the cheapest sugar- bleached, refined sugar.

Now, I said, they use salt as well! Well, most of us know that is to preserve our food andenhance the flavor. What's a matter with salt? Well, nothing! In fact, even though it is zero calories it is an electrolyte and brings balance in our bodies. However, if we take in too much, pressure starts building in the body! We take in too much salt, and then required to take in too much water to filter out the increase in salt. Recommended Daily Allowance of sodium is 2400 mg to 3000 mg! Next time you are eating out, check the sodium count on your favorite dishes! Be aware, you cannot afford not to!

What's man-made fat? It is man made by taking natural oils such as vegetable oil for example (again cheapest oils) and heating them to dangerously high temperatures so that the nutrients die and become reborn as something completely different- a deadly, sluggish substance that is toxic to our bodies.

What do we do about these living and dead foods? Life breeds life. Death breeds death. When you eat living foods, the enzymes in their pristine state interact with your digestive enzymes. The other natural ingredients God put in them- vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, fiber, and more- flow into your system in their natural state. These living foods were created to cause your digestive system, bloodstream, and organs to function at optimum capacity.

Dead foods hit your body like a foreign intruder. Chemicals, including preservatives, foodadditives, and bleaching agents, place a strain on the liver. Toxic man-made fats begin to form in your cell membranes; they become stored as fat in your body and form plaque in your arteries. Your body does its best to harvest the tiny traces of from these dead foods, but in the end you are undernourished, overfed, and overweight.

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