15 March 2010

Getting Fit: Series 2

Now, let's begin addressing the exercises that will achieve maximum results and target the prime areas we collect body fat!

6. Squat

The proper way to squat is holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet hip-width apart, legs straight but not locked, chest lifted, and abs contracted. Keep the body weight toward the heels to sit back and down by lowering the thighs to as a parallel position as possible, and knees aligned with ankles. Straighten legs back up facing forward. 

Strengthens: butocks, quadriceps, and hamstrings.

7. Bent-Over Lat Row

Stand with feet hip-width apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms by sides. Bend knees and flex forward from hips at about 90 degrees. Let arms hang in line with shoulders, palms facing in. Contract abs to support bacl. Draw shoulder blades down and together; maintaining body position, bend elbows up and in toward waist until upper arms are in line with torso and forearms are perpendicular to ground, knuckles pointing down. Slowly straighten arms to starting position without changing torso position.

Strengthens: middle back, rear shoulders, and biceps

8. Triceps Kickback

Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and stand to the right of the long side of a bench, feet hip-width apart or in a staggered stance. Flex forward at hips at about 90 degrees, and pace left hand on bench for support. Keeping torso stationary, bend right elbow so upper arm is parallel to ground and forearm is perpendicular to ground, palm facing in. Position elbow close to waist and contract abs. Keeping upper arm still, use triceps to straighten arm behind you until end of dumbbell points down. Slowly bend elbow to return perpendicular position.

Strengthens: triceps

9. Crunch

Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on mat, hip-width apart. Place hands behind head, thumbs behind behind ears, fingers unclasped. Hold elbows out to the sides. Contracting abs, draw hips, and lower ribs together, keeping buttocks relaxed. Without pulling on neck or drawing elbows in, curl up and forward, keeping head and neck relaxed as shoulder blades lift off mat. Hold, then slowly lower back down.

Strengthens: abdominals

10. Dumbbell Bench Fly

Lie face-up on the bench, knees bent and feet on edge. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, arms extended above mid-chest, in a slight arc, lower elbows down and out to the side until they are even with or slightly below shoulders. Press dumbbells up and in to starting position, without letting them touch or allowing shoulder blades to rise off the bench.

Strengthens: chest and front shoulders

This is what you need to know to get started on your summer workouts! Happy exercising everyone! I definitely get more serious about exercising in the summer; because, let's face it, no one wants to feel uncomfortable when bathing suit season rolls around! Now, we don't have to! Get your fitness on! You know you will feel so much more confident and energized! If you have those days where ya just don't wana.... Call me up! We're doing this together, my friend!

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